
Aakar Patel

Aakar Patel is a writer and columnist. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by AAKAR PATEL

SCARY! India is not producing good students

SCARY! India is not producing good students

Rediff.com10 Aug 2017

'We are not producing good students who are examining issues independently of what they are being fed either by the media or their educators,' says Aakar Patel.

Why the Congress is in panic

Why the Congress is in panic

Rediff.com31 Jul 2017

''The Congress has forgotten how to mobilise people on political issues,' says Aakar Patel.

Nothing wrong in celebrating our city, our state

Nothing wrong in celebrating our city, our state

Rediff.com24 Jul 2017

'Opposition to the idea of a state flag has come from the small thinking pseudo-nationalists, who are the ones pushing Hindi-Hindu-Hindustan.' 'Identifying India wrongly as a one language, one religion nation,' says Aakar Patel.

Lalu, Tejashwi and the Crisis of Opposition Credibility

Lalu, Tejashwi and the Crisis of Opposition Credibility

Rediff.com17 Jul 2017

'On corruption the Yadavs of UP and Bihar will find it very tough to give an answer to the accusations of the BJP and its supporters,' says Aakar Patel.

Why Aakar Patel became a vegan

Why Aakar Patel became a vegan

Rediff.com13 Jul 2017

'At home, being vegan is no real problem, and other than dairy (dahi, chhaas, ghee and kadhi) I can eat normally.' 'There is, of course, the eschewing of meat and as someone who likes (should I say liked?) Naga pork and beef steaks, and has eaten snake and dog, going vegan is unusual,' says Aakar Patel.

Reservations in cricket: Not a bad idea

Reservations in cricket: Not a bad idea

Rediff.com10 Jul 2017

'We should be open to looking at Ramdas Athavale's suggestion of reservations. India will not be unique if it chooses to do this, says Aakar Patel.

When will the lynchings end?

When will the lynchings end?

Rediff.com7 Jul 2017

'One minute and 45 seconds of that clip are on Modi praising gauraksha.' 'In the last 30 seconds he speaks about violence, but says only that killing is unacceptable.' 'We don't need the prime minister to tell us that.' 'We need him to tell us why the killing is happening and what he will do to stop it,' says Aakar Patel.

Is The Economist right about Modi and the Economy?

Is The Economist right about Modi and the Economy?

Rediff.com25 Jun 2017

'If it is true that we are in a moment in time when the few economic advantages we hold are being lost, our focus must be on that rather than on finger-pointing,' says Aakar Patel.

A Different Kind of War

A Different Kind of War

Rediff.com18 Jun 2017

'The armies that are lined up and firing at each other without ceasing, without much change on the ground and without much benefit, are replaced by civilians (also in uniforms, of team colours) screaming abuse,' says Aakar Patel.

Why blame Modi alone? Congress was as intolerant

Why blame Modi alone? Congress was as intolerant

Rediff.com16 Jun 2017

'Those who are upset by the current government's hard position against agitating Kashmiris should know it is exactly as hard as the position of previous governments.' 'Congress also killed as many, and actually more, but it spoke softly.' 'The BJP uses harsher words, but that is the only real difference,' says Aakar Patel.

If Modi can pull this off, it will make him a true world leader

If Modi can pull this off, it will make him a true world leader

Rediff.com6 Jun 2017

'We should credit Prime Minister Modi with having foresight and courage and showing leadership on climate change.'

Why do our neighbours dislike or suspect us?

Why do our neighbours dislike or suspect us?

Rediff.com29 May 2017

'China held a meeting on the One Belt One Road and India boycotted it.' 'However, all of India's neighbours attended, except for one, Bhutan.' 'India warned those attending that the partnership with the Chinese would come at a heavy price, but almost nobody heard us.' 'The question is: Why not?' asks Aakar Patel.

What Trump can learn from Modi

What Trump can learn from Modi

Rediff.com22 May 2017

'Modi has also made mistakes and overpromised.' 'However, his cautious and careful approach have insulated him from criticism.'

For those who look for Gujarati martyrs

For those who look for Gujarati martyrs

Rediff.com15 May 2017

'Gujaratis need not be ashamed of the lack of martial tradition.' 'They contribute to their country in other ways.' 'And, of course, they can also claim that while they may not have produced many martyrs, they produced the greatest one: Gandhi.'

What we need to learn from Nepal and Sri Lanka

What we need to learn from Nepal and Sri Lanka

Rediff.com13 May 2017

'There is an observable difference between Nepalis and Lankans and the rest of us.' 'It would serve us well to understand where this difference comes from and, if it is something that is better in some way, how it is that we can access it,' says Aakar Patel.

What will happen when computers overtake our ability to think?

What will happen when computers overtake our ability to think?

Rediff.com5 May 2017

In the next 25 years or so, we will have intelligence in computers that will exceed man's in every way.

'We are in a dark and dangerous period'

'We are in a dark and dangerous period'

Rediff.com3 May 2017

'Those of us who care for the Indian Constitution worry,' says Aakar Patel.

What does being pro-India mean?

What does being pro-India mean?

Rediff.com21 Apr 2017

Those who feel the irresistible need to express strong sentiment for our nation and its contents must consider being pro-Indian, whether this Indian be jawan, cobbler, Kashmiri, lesbian, Dalit, protester, pujari, businessman or child.

The good of the IPL

The good of the IPL

Rediff.com19 Apr 2017

'Many of the players in IPL are the sons of men and women who are in ordinary jobs and not well off.' 'These players are the first in their family ever to move into another social class.' 'I think it is a very fine thing that young men from ordinary backgrounds get exposed to fame and money, and playing with legends from abroad and India,' says Aakar Patel.

Why did the government act like Tarun Vijay?

Why did the government act like Tarun Vijay?

Rediff.com10 Apr 2017

When African ambassadors said the attacks against Africans are 'xenophobic and racial in nature,' the MEA declared 'strong Indian institutions are adequate to deal with aberrations that represent an act of a few criminals.' 'This is a lie,' says Aakar Patel. 'India's institutions can't even protect Indians against mob attacks, how will they protect foreigners?'

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